Wives prepare to be jealous.
Husbands prepare to have the bar raised.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
So, week by week in the trenches with four kids and a new
puppy (that is a whole other blog subject) I think it is really easy for Matt
and I to lose sight of our relationship with each other. Our interactions are more like transactions,
quick texts about who is going to pick up who and take them where for
what. This week I am out of state for a
week…check that…seven full days. That is
a long time. And I left my husband at
home with a seven year old, a six year old, a four year old, a two year old, a
9 week old puppy and a three-page Word document trying to outline just what it
is that we do every day. And from Day
One, just one day out of the trenches, and I am quickly realizing just how
amazing my husband is. It’s not just
that he is willing to go along with the fact that I work part-time, but
sometimes that part-time work takes me out of town (but he does). It’s not just the fact that he has been one
of those dads that doesn’t turn up his nose at changing diapers or giving baths
(he doesn’t). It’s not just that while
we may have different approaches to parenting sometimes, he never hesitates to
get involved when our family needs him (he does). It’s not even the fact that no sane husband
would take on the suicide mission that I left him on (he did). It is the fact that he is willing to take 4
kids to family day at his work without his wife as back-up. It is the fact that he had our kids make and
deliver birthday cards for my best friend next door for her birthday this
morning. It is the fact that when he was
dropping off at preschool and forgot a water bottle, he just ran up to Hy-Vee
and bought one. It is the fact that he
monitored FaceTime with the kids giving them each their own turn to say hi to
mom and tell me about their day. It is
the fact that he is amazing. Simply amazing.
And I don’t tell him nearly often enough, nor do I remember it when we
are in the trenches together. Instead, I
let myself be diluted by the day-to-day nuisances that come with living in a
house with a dude, four kids and a puppy and forget to appreciate just what an
amazing partner in crime I have. To be
fair, I’m sure he forgets how totally awesome I am too. For example, the other day we were driving
and the new Pink song came on. The one
entitled “True Love” and he looked at me lovingly saying, “Don’t you think this
song kind of describes our relationship?”
I said, I hadn’t really listened that closely to the words, but if it’s
titled “True Love”, it must. And he was
like, “Yeah, like you know the part about wanting to strangle each other…that’s
totally us.” Did I forget to mention he’s
a hopeless romantic?
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