And last week, Maddie and I went to pick out flowers to put out at the cemetery for mom and other family members. All awesome things to do. But you know what, I want to start doing things for people that are still in the here and now. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus and I believe mom is up there appreciating all we are doing in her memory (while she is not taking care of heaven's Dorito problem - if you ask Ben, this was probably her number one priority). But I bet she would also say, "Hey, world! Send flowers to someone who can enjoy them!" and for the love of Pete, if your mom wants a barn quilt {figuratively speaking...I can't imagine that many moms want barn quilts} get off your butt and make her one! Have fun with your families this weekend! I will make a concentrated effort to appreciate mine, because holy cow, they have been a tad bit on the squirrely side.
{Side story: I wouldn't let them go back out and play last night because I am the worst and most unfair mother in the history of all mothers of all time on any planet in any galaxy and Zach came up to me, all sweet and angelic and I was convinced that my exasperated rant about kindness and respect and loving each other had finally sunk in and he was coming up to love on me. He got real close, our hazel eyes locking on each other, pointed a dirty, grubby, Dorito stained (it's not just Grandma Laura that has been cursed with that gene) finger at me and said under his breath "Curse You, Mom."). Ahhhhh, I can't WAIT to make memories with my family!!}
Check out the videos that my brother, Jeremy, put together documenting the making of the legendary barn quilt: