Okay, I can't just get all deep without some sort of reward. It is coming in the form of cute Zach pictures. I need to remind myself how cute he is often because holy cow, when he comes home from preschool I CAN'T WAIT to get him in his room and away from me. We were on a bike ride the other day and I told him that he had been talking the entire fifteen minutes to Hy-Vee. Normally, I could just drown this out and ignore him, but he has picked up an uber annoying habit from Ben - needing affirmation after every phrase he says "Right mom, right?" Ughhhhhh... if you want to talk all day fine, but do I really have to listen? Anyway, when I told him that he had talked the entire time, he took the last two minutes to argue that he had not actually been talking the entire time. Loudly and insistently. Good thing Matt and I make cute babies. Enjoy:
I unearthed this beauty when cleaning the other day. It was attached to a Mother's Day card. He was probably talking during the picture.
Mom and Zach date.
First day of preschool. He is disappointed in the fact that I only took two pictures of him. Apparently the bare minimum number of acceptable pictures is four. I will be sure to remember that for kindergarten. Prima Donna.
Zach has a "Buddy". Buddy has been around for awhile. Buddy was lost for about two weeks. Maddie unearthed Buddy in the basement. Zach was happy to see him.
This is Zach and his betrothed, Lexi. I'm super excited to put this picture on their wedding invitation.
A repository of stories about our family. Telling it like it is - because what other way is there to tell it?
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Sometimes, I stew about things for awhile and then I decide to write about them. A little background information: one morning a week I attend a great group that ministers to mostly stay-at-home moms with young children. It has always been a group that I enjoyed, a lot of times simply because it gets me thinking. (Which is good for me, albeit a bit dangerous). The second thing going on this week: one of my mom's good friends lost her 17-year old son in a car accident. Tragedy always gets one thinking, eh? Anyway, in our group a question something like this was posed: How did you identify yourself before you were a mom?
And sadly, my mind drew a complete blank. Probably somewhat because having four children has done a number on my brain cells, but I think it goes deeper than that. I started thinking big: "Who am I without my family?" I mean, obviously, I am a gifted writer (tongue-in-cheek people, tongue-in-cheek) but I use those talents to write about my four wonderful children and our everyday adventures. What did I like to do before I had kids? Going even farther back, what did I do before I met Matt? Think about it, if you dare. It's hard. Which leads my heart to break even more for a mom who has recently lost her child, or anyone who has lost a child ever.
Identity is a big thing. It's important. And I'm in a constant struggle to find mine. Here's the thing: I love my life. I love my kids. I love my husband. I love my friends. But do you ever wonder who you are when those things are taken away from you? But, then something clicked for me (also wisdom from this group people, you should come!). Here is who I am: Unique. Loved. Forgiven. Royal. Eternal. And totally and completely out of my comfort zone when writing about my faith. But there it is.
Sometimes, I stew about things for awhile and then I decide to write about them. A little background information: one morning a week I attend a great group that ministers to mostly stay-at-home moms with young children. It has always been a group that I enjoyed, a lot of times simply because it gets me thinking. (Which is good for me, albeit a bit dangerous). The second thing going on this week: one of my mom's good friends lost her 17-year old son in a car accident. Tragedy always gets one thinking, eh? Anyway, in our group a question something like this was posed: How did you identify yourself before you were a mom?
And sadly, my mind drew a complete blank. Probably somewhat because having four children has done a number on my brain cells, but I think it goes deeper than that. I started thinking big: "Who am I without my family?" I mean, obviously, I am a gifted writer (tongue-in-cheek people, tongue-in-cheek) but I use those talents to write about my four wonderful children and our everyday adventures. What did I like to do before I had kids? Going even farther back, what did I do before I met Matt? Think about it, if you dare. It's hard. Which leads my heart to break even more for a mom who has recently lost her child, or anyone who has lost a child ever.
Identity is a big thing. It's important. And I'm in a constant struggle to find mine. Here's the thing: I love my life. I love my kids. I love my husband. I love my friends. But do you ever wonder who you are when those things are taken away from you? But, then something clicked for me (also wisdom from this group people, you should come!). Here is who I am: Unique. Loved. Forgiven. Royal. Eternal. And totally and completely out of my comfort zone when writing about my faith. But there it is.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A Successful Summer
Yep, I haven't posted since May. That is just sad. Sad and a little pathetic, given we had an AWESOME summer! I am going to have to tell some retrospective stories when I have some more time. We decided to hire a nanny in the home and she was so great. We were truly blessed to have her for a summer (and hopefully a couple of future summers). We tag-teamed the kids this summer, allowing me to attend a lot of sports, swimming lessons or work from home while she held down the fort. It was great.
A successful summer made way into a successful start of the school year. This morning I officially have all four kids in school. Ben is in 2nd grade and Maddie is starting kindergarten, and although they have been back in school since mid-August because of this crazy heat, today is only their 3rd full day of school (in a four day week, followed by a four day week next week...once they actually start going full weeks it should be interesting to see how they hang in there). Zach is in PK, so he goes every day from 9-130. So far he does great, but holy cow, is he a bear as soon as I pick him up. I have forgiven him on the account of the fact I am making him go to school every day at four, so I should probably expect some moodiness. I also found a preschool that (thank God!) takes two year olds here in Cedar Falls. It probably shouldn't be called preschool and should be called "Please, if I pay you $100 a month will you potty train my kid" School. I bet they would have a huge waiting list. Anyway, I dropped him off today and after pointing out "That boy is crying" quite loudly and marching in proudly, I (gasp!) had three hours of blissful silence. So, I do a little work and now, do a little blogging.
A few interesting stories: Wesley has (like all my other kids) developed a freakishly strong sense of smell. I'm not sure what it is with my kids and smell. For instance, Ben can tell you everything you have eaten in the last 8 hours when you tell him goodnight (gross I know and a good incentive for midday brushing), Zach put on a shirt that had been handed down from our neighbor and proclaimed "Mom, this shirt smells like the Arends" (not smells different, not smells funny - no, he can pinpoint exactly who it smells like). Wes, however, smelled me the other day (after a workout mind you) and told me first when smelling one arm "You smell like cookies" (this was probably an overstatment) and then, when smelling the other arm "Nope, you smell like Chuck E. Cheese". When you figure that the tunnels the kid plays in at Chuck E. Cheese probably have accumulated years of sweat, diaper smell and other unmentionables that come with toddler life coupled with what I can only assume are questionable sanitary routines, the kid probably nailed exactly what I smelled like after a 45 minute run in 85 degree heat. Well played, Wes, well played.
One more quick story, then I have to actually go pick up one of my kids...I was picking up Zach the other day and we were in the car and he asked me "Mom, do you see that girl coming out the door with the colored star shirt?". I said I did, and he said with a big sigh "I am almost in love with her." I'm going to go ahead and admit it - I stinking love preschoolers. Four is such a fun, awesome age. Until Zach comes home and has is usual tantrum about how he isn't tired and he isn't going to rest quietly. Then I remember that 5 and 7 are pretty good ages too:)
Okay, with more free time on my hands, look forward to more blog posts! I know you do!
A successful summer made way into a successful start of the school year. This morning I officially have all four kids in school. Ben is in 2nd grade and Maddie is starting kindergarten, and although they have been back in school since mid-August because of this crazy heat, today is only their 3rd full day of school (in a four day week, followed by a four day week next week...once they actually start going full weeks it should be interesting to see how they hang in there). Zach is in PK, so he goes every day from 9-130. So far he does great, but holy cow, is he a bear as soon as I pick him up. I have forgiven him on the account of the fact I am making him go to school every day at four, so I should probably expect some moodiness. I also found a preschool that (thank God!) takes two year olds here in Cedar Falls. It probably shouldn't be called preschool and should be called "Please, if I pay you $100 a month will you potty train my kid" School. I bet they would have a huge waiting list. Anyway, I dropped him off today and after pointing out "That boy is crying" quite loudly and marching in proudly, I (gasp!) had three hours of blissful silence. So, I do a little work and now, do a little blogging.
A few interesting stories: Wesley has (like all my other kids) developed a freakishly strong sense of smell. I'm not sure what it is with my kids and smell. For instance, Ben can tell you everything you have eaten in the last 8 hours when you tell him goodnight (gross I know and a good incentive for midday brushing), Zach put on a shirt that had been handed down from our neighbor and proclaimed "Mom, this shirt smells like the Arends" (not smells different, not smells funny - no, he can pinpoint exactly who it smells like). Wes, however, smelled me the other day (after a workout mind you) and told me first when smelling one arm "You smell like cookies" (this was probably an overstatment) and then, when smelling the other arm "Nope, you smell like Chuck E. Cheese". When you figure that the tunnels the kid plays in at Chuck E. Cheese probably have accumulated years of sweat, diaper smell and other unmentionables that come with toddler life coupled with what I can only assume are questionable sanitary routines, the kid probably nailed exactly what I smelled like after a 45 minute run in 85 degree heat. Well played, Wes, well played.
One more quick story, then I have to actually go pick up one of my kids...I was picking up Zach the other day and we were in the car and he asked me "Mom, do you see that girl coming out the door with the colored star shirt?". I said I did, and he said with a big sigh "I am almost in love with her." I'm going to go ahead and admit it - I stinking love preschoolers. Four is such a fun, awesome age. Until Zach comes home and has is usual tantrum about how he isn't tired and he isn't going to rest quietly. Then I remember that 5 and 7 are pretty good ages too:)
Okay, with more free time on my hands, look forward to more blog posts! I know you do!
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