I was recently writing a friend about how Wesley drives me up a stinking wall and giving her a list of things that he finds simply hilarious which may or may not end my streak with sanity in the next three to six months. As I was writing, I thought, hmmmm...this might make a decent blog topic. So, for your enjoyment (or pity, or sympathy, or empathy, or simply as a way to remember the good ol' days with your little ones) here it goes....
Getting up from his nap after only laying down for 45 minutes while I'm trying to write a blog entry (I didn't plan this one - it's just funny how his timing works). Grabbing steak knives that would be seemingly unreachable to anyone but an adult and deciding to chop his own strawberries. Brandishing said steak knive as a weapon when an adult approaches him to remove said steak knife. Opening up the dishwasher and using it as a step to reach something that has been placed out of his reach on purpose on the counter. Using my iPhone as a dodge ball. Running in front of moving cars in a Fareway parking lot - probably hoping some DHS worker is looking on in sheer unbelief. Deciding to give his parents a heart attack by acting like he is going to jump into a 5 foot pool - the kid is a good actor, but since he still possesses the hand-eye coordination of a 2 year old, this will eventually not end well. Asking for chocolate milk in a "big boy cup", impressing me with his verbal skills in putting this request together, and then reminding me why I don't give him a big boy cup as he takes one drink and then dumps the rest on the floor. Dumping out every bucket of toys that his big brothers and sister have actually worked hard together on cleaning up - I do kind of appreciate this one - welcome to my world kids, welcome to my world. Wandering in to the neighbor's garage to find some tools to then come and "work" on mom's new car (don't worry Matt, I did manage to stop him before any damage was done). Opening the front door while wearing only a diaper and running after the kids who are getting on the bus (did I mention in 10 degree weather...there haven't been any news reports about me...yet). Opening the garage door while wearing only a diaper and running after the kids who are getting on the bus (after I lock the front door). Don't judge me people, mornings are chaotic around here. Getting a toothbrush and wetting it in the toilet since he can't reach the sink (he kind of deserves this one). Getting toothpaste and not putting it on his toothbrush, but instead putting it on anything else he can find before I bust him. Most of this list relates to things the kid has done in the last 48 hours. My brain is so fried when it comes to him, that I can't think back much further than that. Don't get me wrong, I am pretty sure that when he is a teenager I will be able to write a similarily titled list that will leaving me longing for the days of toilet toothbrushing and iPhone keepaway, but as it sits right now, this kid is a challenge! He is lucky he is so stinking cute...